The allied presence in Italy

In 2020, the UK-based Monte San Martino Trust and the Istituto Nazionale Ferruccio Parri decided to collaborate on telling the story of the Allied prisoners of the Second World War in Italy. A project to map the prison camps was readily agreed and it was decided to include this in a broader framework, which would systemise the studies carried out in the past and present new evidence on the overall theme of the Allied presence in Italy from 1939 to 1947.


Read the factsheets of the 61 prison camps and the 6 main military hospitals in Italy


Capture, imprisonment, escape, help of the population: read the stories of British soldiers

Project by

Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri

Via F. Confalonieri 14, Milano (Italia)
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Financed by

Monte San Martino Trust

Crown Chambers, Bridge St, Salisbury SP1 2LZ (UK)
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The project was also financed by the Bank of Italy